
13 Mar 2025 New agreement between California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications

We are delighted to announce a new agreement between the California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications. The University of California will cover 50% of article processing charges (APCs) for manuscripts affiliated with any of their research units. Read more.

13 Mar 2025 New agreement between California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications

We are delighted to announce a new agreement between the California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications. The University of California will cover 50% of article processing charges (APCs) for manuscripts affiliated with any of their research units. Read more.

12 Mar 2025 Early opportunity signals of a tipping point in the UK's second-hand electric vehicle market

Early warning signals used to detect tipping points are tested on a dataset of daily views of online electric vehicle (EV) adverts. The attention given to EV adverts spikes upwards after specific events before returning to normality more slowly over time. Read more.

12 Mar 2025 Early opportunity signals of a tipping point in the UK's second-hand electric vehicle market

Early warning signals used to detect tipping points are tested on a dataset of daily views of online electric vehicle (EV) adverts. The attention given to EV adverts spikes upwards after specific events before returning to normality more slowly over time. Read more.

06 Mar 2025 Get involved, become a referee, and help shape ESD's community publication output

We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. This means that if you are interested in contributing to the peer-review process and supporting high-quality scientific publishing in your community then you can apply today to become a referee. Your expertise can make a difference. Visit the online form here to learn more and join our reviewer community.

06 Mar 2025 Get involved, become a referee, and help shape ESD's community publication output

We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. This means that if you are interested in contributing to the peer-review process and supporting high-quality scientific publishing in your community then you can apply today to become a referee. Your expertise can make a difference. Visit the online form here to learn more and join our reviewer community.

10 Feb 2025 Thank you to all our referees in 2024!

A big thank you to all referees for their volunteer work in providing fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports! Through their invaluable contribution our interactive open-access journals maintain their high scientific standards and their ongoing success.

10 Feb 2025 Thank you to all our referees in 2024!

A big thank you to all referees for their volunteer work in providing fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports! Through their invaluable contribution our interactive open-access journals maintain their high scientific standards and their ongoing success.

05 Feb 2025 Copernicus Publications and all journals left Twitter

The Copernicus Twitter account as well as all Twitter accounts of journals published by us have been deactivated. There will be no automatic feeds of newly posted preprints or published journal articles anymore, we do not actively tweet, and the status informs that the accounts are no longer maintained. Twitter is no longer linked from the journal websites or in the share section of the preprint or journal article HTML pages.

05 Feb 2025 Copernicus Publications and all journals left Twitter

The Copernicus Twitter account as well as all Twitter accounts of journals published by us have been deactivated. There will be no automatic feeds of newly posted preprints or published journal articles anymore, we do not actively tweet, and the status informs that the accounts are no longer maintained. Twitter is no longer linked from the journal websites or in the share section of the preprint or journal article HTML pages.

19 Dec 2024 ResearchGate and institutional agreements

We are pleased to announce that scientists associated with our 38 library partners representing 350 universities and research centres as well as 300 institutions from Research4Life countries will be informed directly about APC coverage when browsing our articles on ResearchGate. Read more.

19 Dec 2024 ResearchGate and institutional agreements

We are pleased to announce that scientists associated with our 38 library partners representing 350 universities and research centres as well as 300 institutions from Research4Life countries will be informed directly about APC coverage when browsing our articles on ResearchGate. Read more.

29 Nov 2024 Changes to article processing charges

We are pleased to announce a change in the handling of article processing charges. Please find all information on our APC page as well as in the news item from EGU.

29 Nov 2024 Changes to article processing charges

We are pleased to announce a change in the handling of article processing charges. Please find all information on our APC page as well as in the news item from EGU.

28 Nov 2024 New ESD Letter: Modeling 2020 regulatory changes in international shipping emissions helps explain anomalous 2023 warming

On 1 January 2020, international shipping vessels were required to substantially reduce the amount of particulate they emit to improve air quality. In this work the authors demonstrate how this regulatory change contributed to the anomalous warming observed in recent months using climate model simulations that include such a change. Please read more.

28 Nov 2024 New ESD Letter: Modeling 2020 regulatory changes in international shipping emissions helps explain anomalous 2023 warming

On 1 January 2020, international shipping vessels were required to substantially reduce the amount of particulate they emit to improve air quality. In this work the authors demonstrate how this regulatory change contributed to the anomalous warming observed in recent months using climate model simulations that include such a change. Please read more.

13 Sep 2024 EGU webinar: how to write a research paper

You have worked hard to get your results, analyse the data, and draw conclusions from your research topic. Now it is time to write up! Please find information on EGU's webinar "How to write a research paper" here.

13 Sep 2024 EGU webinar: how to write a research paper

You have worked hard to get your results, analyse the data, and draw conclusions from your research topic. Now it is time to write up! Please find information on EGU's webinar "How to write a research paper" here.

12 Sep 2024 New ESD Letter: Climatology and trends of concurrent temperature extremes in the global extratropics

Simultaneous heatwaves or cold spells in remote geographical regions have potentially far-reaching impacts on society and the environment. Despite this, we have little knowledge of when and where these extreme events have occurred in the past decades. In this paper, the authors present a summary of past simultaneous heatwaves or cold spells and provide a computer program to enable other researchers to study them. Please read more.

12 Sep 2024 New ESD Letter: Climatology and trends of concurrent temperature extremes in the global extratropics

Simultaneous heatwaves or cold spells in remote geographical regions have potentially far-reaching impacts on society and the environment. Despite this, we have little knowledge of when and where these extreme events have occurred in the past decades. In this paper, the authors present a summary of past simultaneous heatwaves or cold spells and provide a computer program to enable other researchers to study them. Please read more.


Open/Close Archive
12 Sep 2024 ESD now at ResearchGate

Copernicus is pleased to announce a new collaboration with ResearchGate in the framework of ResearchGate's Journal Home programme. Please read Copernicus' official announcement and have a look at ESD's profile page for more details.

12 Sep 2024 ESD now at ResearchGate

Copernicus is pleased to announce a new collaboration with ResearchGate in the framework of ResearchGate's Journal Home programme. Please read Copernicus' official announcement and have a look at ESD's profile page for more details.

06 Sep 2024 New co-review option in ESD

ESD now offers a co-review option for referees. Please read more.

06 Sep 2024 New co-review option in ESD

ESD now offers a co-review option for referees. Please read more.

06 Aug 2024 New ESD Letter: Absence of causality between seismic activity and global warming

It was recently suggested that global warming can be explained by the non-anthropogenic factor of seismic activity. If that is the case, it would have profound implications. The authors have assessed the validity of the claim by using a statistical technique that evaluates the existence of causal connections between variables, finding no evidence for any causal relationship between seismic activity and global warming. Read more.

06 Aug 2024 New ESD Letter: Absence of causality between seismic activity and global warming

It was recently suggested that global warming can be explained by the non-anthropogenic factor of seismic activity. If that is the case, it would have profound implications. The authors have assessed the validity of the claim by using a statistical technique that evaluates the existence of causal connections between variables, finding no evidence for any causal relationship between seismic activity and global warming. Read more.

20 Jun 2024 Release of journal metrics 2023

The journal metrics 2023 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.

20 Jun 2024 Release of journal metrics 2023

The journal metrics 2023 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.

19 Apr 2024 New agreement between Swedish Bibsam Consortium and Copernicus Publications

Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the Swedish National Consortium, Bibsam. Through the agreement, authors affiliated with Bibsam member institutions benefit from the direct settlement of article-processing charges (APCs) in all journals published by Copernicus Publications. Read more.

19 Apr 2024 New agreement between Swedish Bibsam Consortium and Copernicus Publications

Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the Swedish National Consortium, Bibsam. Through the agreement, authors affiliated with Bibsam member institutions benefit from the direct settlement of article-processing charges (APCs) in all journals published by Copernicus Publications. Read more.

06 Feb 2024 Statement on the use of AI-based tools in publications

Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly being used to create scientific documents, including peer-reviewed publications, preprints and conference contributions. Please read EGU's statement on the use of such tools in publications.

06 Feb 2024 Statement on the use of AI-based tools in publications

Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly being used to create scientific documents, including peer-reviewed publications, preprints and conference contributions. Please read EGU's statement on the use of such tools in publications.

26 Jan 2024 Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review

This paper maps out the state-of-the-art literature on interactions between tipping elements relevant for current global warming pathways. Please read more.

26 Jan 2024 Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review

This paper maps out the state-of-the-art literature on interactions between tipping elements relevant for current global warming pathways. Please read more.

17 Jan 2024 Copernicus Publications launches ROR integration for corresponding authors

Copernicus Publications started using the Research Organization Registry (ROR) database as the framework to assign institutional identifiers to corresponding authors in order to disambiguate affiliations listed on a published article and greatly enhancing the reporting capabilities to all academic stakeholders. Please read more.

17 Jan 2024 Copernicus Publications launches ROR integration for corresponding authors

Copernicus Publications started using the Research Organization Registry (ROR) database as the framework to assign institutional identifiers to corresponding authors in order to disambiguate affiliations listed on a published article and greatly enhancing the reporting capabilities to all academic stakeholders. Please read more.

15 Jan 2024 A huge thank you to our referees in 2023!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all referees for their volunteer efforts to provide fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports. Their invaluable contribution maintains our high scientific standards and ensures the ongoing success of our interactive open-access journals.

15 Jan 2024 A huge thank you to our referees in 2023!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all referees for their volunteer efforts to provide fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports. Their invaluable contribution maintains our high scientific standards and ensures the ongoing success of our interactive open-access journals.

14 Nov 2023 New ESD Ideas: Arctic amplification's contribution to breaches of the Paris Agreement

The Arctic is warming several times faster than the rest of the planet. Here, the authors use climate model projections to quantify for the first time how this faster warming in the Arctic impacts the timing of crossing the 1.5 °C and 2 °C thresholds defined in the Paris Agreement.

14 Nov 2023 New ESD Ideas: Arctic amplification's contribution to breaches of the Paris Agreement

The Arctic is warming several times faster than the rest of the planet. Here, the authors use climate model projections to quantify for the first time how this faster warming in the Arctic impacts the timing of crossing the 1.5 °C and 2 °C thresholds defined in the Paris Agreement.

30 Jun 2023 Release of journal metrics 2022

The journal metrics 2022 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.

30 Jun 2023 Release of journal metrics 2022

The journal metrics 2022 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.

27 Jun 2023 Referee nomination improved

To offer our journal editors a better service and an improved experience in our online system, we have significantly improved the referee nomination tool in our review system Copernicus Office Editor. Experience more and take a look.

27 Jun 2023 Referee nomination improved

To offer our journal editors a better service and an improved experience in our online system, we have significantly improved the referee nomination tool in our review system Copernicus Office Editor. Experience more and take a look.

12 Jun 2023 Enhance your peer review skills with the EGU training in September/October!

Looking to gain experience and boost your confidence as a referee? Apply for the EGU peer review training, and gain valuable insights into the peer review process. EGU is offering FREE online training in which you'll learn about the role of peer review in the publication process, in addition to review criteria and open peer review, and get hands-on experience in writing reviews. To find out more and apply, visit

12 Jun 2023 Enhance your peer review skills with the EGU training in September/October!

Looking to gain experience and boost your confidence as a referee? Apply for the EGU peer review training, and gain valuable insights into the peer review process. EGU is offering FREE online training in which you'll learn about the role of peer review in the publication process, in addition to review criteria and open peer review, and get hands-on experience in writing reviews. To find out more and apply, visit

14 Feb 2023 Journal website facelift

In the coming days and weeks, readers of our journals will experience a facelift of our websites. Read more about the background.

14 Feb 2023 Journal website facelift

In the coming days and weeks, readers of our journals will experience a facelift of our websites. Read more about the background.

27 Jan 2023 New agreement between Jisc and Copernicus Publications

Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the UK-based Jisc (Joint Information Systems Committee) to streamline open-access publishing for their members. Read more.

27 Jan 2023 New agreement between Jisc and Copernicus Publications

Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the UK-based Jisc (Joint Information Systems Committee) to streamline open-access publishing for their members. Read more.

01 Sep 2022 Institutional agreement between ETH Domain institutions and Copernicus Publications

The ETH Domain institutions PSI, Empa, Eawag, WSL and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central settlement of article processing charges (APCs).

01 Sep 2022 Institutional agreement between ETH Domain institutions and Copernicus Publications

The ETH Domain institutions PSI, Empa, Eawag, WSL and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central settlement of article processing charges (APCs).

01 Sep 2022 Institutional agreement between Swiss National Science Foundation, Luxembourg National Research Fund, the University of Lausanne and Copernicus Publications

From now on, manuscripts that involve funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) or the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) will benefit from direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs).

01 Sep 2022 Institutional agreement between Swiss National Science Foundation, Luxembourg National Research Fund, the University of Lausanne and Copernicus Publications

From now on, manuscripts that involve funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) or the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) will benefit from direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs).

14 Jul 2022 Institutional agreement with University of Exeter Library

University of Exeter Library and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors.

14 Jul 2022 Institutional agreement with University of Exeter Library

University of Exeter Library and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors.

28 Jun 2022 Release of journal metrics 2021

The journal metrics 2021 were released and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.

28 Jun 2022 Release of journal metrics 2021

The journal metrics 2021 were released and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.

07 Jun 2022 EGU and Copernicus announce new inclusive name change policy for all EGU journals

Today the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications are announcing sweeping new changes, that will give our authors the ability to make vital alterations to their names in previously published scientific literature. This new policy will allow authors to retrospectively update previous publications with their current names, including conference abstracts, preprints, and peer-reviewed articles.

07 Jun 2022 EGU and Copernicus announce new inclusive name change policy for all EGU journals

Today the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications are announcing sweeping new changes, that will give our authors the ability to make vital alterations to their names in previously published scientific literature. This new policy will allow authors to retrospectively update previous publications with their current names, including conference abstracts, preprints, and peer-reviewed articles.

11 Apr 2022 Global climate change and the Baltic Sea ecosystem: direct and indirect effects on species, communities and ecosystem functioning

Climate change has multiple effects on Baltic Sea species, communities and ecosystem functioning. The authors review these effects, identify knowledge gaps and draw conclusions based on recent (2010–2021) field, experimental and modelling research.

11 Apr 2022 Global climate change and the Baltic Sea ecosystem: direct and indirect effects on species, communities and ecosystem functioning

Climate change has multiple effects on Baltic Sea species, communities and ecosystem functioning. The authors review these effects, identify knowledge gaps and draw conclusions based on recent (2010–2021) field, experimental and modelling research.

10 Mar 2022 Quantifying memory and persistence in the atmosphere–land and ocean carbon system

The authors interpret carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning and land use as a global stress–strain experiment to reflect the overall behavior of the atmosphere–land and ocean system in response to increasing CO2 emissions since 1850.

10 Mar 2022 Quantifying memory and persistence in the atmosphere–land and ocean carbon system

The authors interpret carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning and land use as a global stress–strain experiment to reflect the overall behavior of the atmosphere–land and ocean system in response to increasing CO2 emissions since 1850.

09 Feb 2022 EGUsphere opens for preprints

EGUsphere, the innovative open-access repository created by the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications, is growing. For the first time, authors will be able to upload preprints to the online resource, taking advantage of EGU’s pioneering public peer-review process, whilst preparing their papers for future release.

09 Feb 2022 EGUsphere opens for preprints

EGUsphere, the innovative open-access repository created by the European Geosciences Union and Copernicus Publications, is growing. For the first time, authors will be able to upload preprints to the online resource, taking advantage of EGU’s pioneering public peer-review process, whilst preparing their papers for future release.

19 Jan 2022 The fractional energy balance equation for climate projections through 2100

This paper presents a new class of energy balance model that accounts for the long memory within the Earth's energy storage.

19 Jan 2022 The fractional energy balance equation for climate projections through 2100

This paper presents a new class of energy balance model that accounts for the long memory within the Earth's energy storage.

21 Dec 2021 Season's greetings from Copernicus and review deadline extensions

At the end of the year, we would like to express our deep gratitude for our collaboration with all editors, referees, and authors in 2021. Please take a look at our Christmas card. Since our virtual office is closed from 23 Dec to 2 Jan and a significant number of editors and referees pause their work over the Christmas days, we extended all journal review deadlines: deadlines expiring shortly before or over Christmas have been extended to the week after and deadlines expiring after Christmas or over New Year have been extended to after New Year’s Day. Season's greetings and a happy New Year. Please stay healthy.

21 Dec 2021 Season's greetings from Copernicus and review deadline extensions

At the end of the year, we would like to express our deep gratitude for our collaboration with all editors, referees, and authors in 2021. Please take a look at our Christmas card. Since our virtual office is closed from 23 Dec to 2 Jan and a significant number of editors and referees pause their work over the Christmas days, we extended all journal review deadlines: deadlines expiring shortly before or over Christmas have been extended to the week after and deadlines expiring after Christmas or over New Year have been extended to after New Year’s Day. Season's greetings and a happy New Year. Please stay healthy.

09 Dec 2021 Ubiquity of human-induced changes in climate variability

A large ensemble of simulations with 100 members has been conducted with the state-of-the-art CESM2 Earth system model, using historical and SSP3-7.0 forcing.

09 Dec 2021 Ubiquity of human-induced changes in climate variability

A large ensemble of simulations with 100 members has been conducted with the state-of-the-art CESM2 Earth system model, using historical and SSP3-7.0 forcing.

01 Oct 2021 First insights from new EGU author survey

In April 2021 the EGU Publications Committee launched the first author survey to routinely ask authors about their publishing experience in EGU journals, in order to learn more about how EGU and Copernicus can serve the scientific community with their publications. Over the last 6 months, 160 contact authors answered the survey representing about 10% of the papers published during this time. We are delighted about the positive feedback and thank all authors. Please read the full report.

01 Oct 2021 First insights from new EGU author survey

In April 2021 the EGU Publications Committee launched the first author survey to routinely ask authors about their publishing experience in EGU journals, in order to learn more about how EGU and Copernicus can serve the scientific community with their publications. Over the last 6 months, 160 contact authors answered the survey representing about 10% of the papers published during this time. We are delighted about the positive feedback and thank all authors. Please read the full report.

30 Jun 2021 Update of journal metrics

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.

30 Jun 2021 Update of journal metrics

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.

03 Jun 2021 Interacting tipping elements increase risk of climate domino effects under global warming

In the Earth system, climate tipping elements exist that can undergo qualitative changes in response to environmental perturbations. If triggered, this would result in severe consequences for the biosphere and human societies.

03 Jun 2021 Interacting tipping elements increase risk of climate domino effects under global warming

In the Earth system, climate tipping elements exist that can undergo qualitative changes in response to environmental perturbations. If triggered, this would result in severe consequences for the biosphere and human societies.

14 Apr 2021 Robust increase of Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability under future warming in CMIP6 models

All state-of-the-art global climate models that contributed to the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) show a robust increase in Indian summer monsoon rainfall that is even stronger than in the previous intercomparison (CMIP5).

14 Apr 2021 Robust increase of Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability under future warming in CMIP6 models

All state-of-the-art global climate models that contributed to the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) show a robust increase in Indian summer monsoon rainfall that is even stronger than in the previous intercomparison (CMIP5).

04 Feb 2021 Paul J. Crutzen has passed away on 28 January 2021

With great sadness, we have to announce that Paul J. Crutzen has passed away on 28 January 2021. Paul was not only an outstanding scientist and scholar, but a friend, colleague, and mentor for generations of scientists. He had also been a long-time supporter of open-access publishing within EGU and served on the advisory board of Earth System Dynamics for many years. He will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family. (Image credit: MPI for Chemistry)

04 Feb 2021 Paul J. Crutzen has passed away on 28 January 2021

With great sadness, we have to announce that Paul J. Crutzen has passed away on 28 January 2021. Paul was not only an outstanding scientist and scholar, but a friend, colleague, and mentor for generations of scientists. He had also been a long-time supporter of open-access publishing within EGU and served on the advisory board of Earth System Dynamics for many years. He will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family. (Image credit: MPI for Chemistry)

06 Nov 2020 Semi-equilibrated global sea-level change projections for the next 10 000 years

Scientists from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel made projections of global mean sea-level change during the next 10 000 years for a range in climate forcing scenarios. They find that global mean sea level will rise between 9 and 37 m, depending on the emission of greenhouse gases. In this study, they investigated the long-term consequence of climate change for sea-level rise.

06 Nov 2020 Semi-equilibrated global sea-level change projections for the next 10 000 years

Scientists from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel made projections of global mean sea-level change during the next 10 000 years for a range in climate forcing scenarios. They find that global mean sea level will rise between 9 and 37 m, depending on the emission of greenhouse gases. In this study, they investigated the long-term consequence of climate change for sea-level rise.

29 Oct 2020 Institutional agreement with ETH Zurich now for corresponding authors

As of 1 November 2020 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the ETH Zurich and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

29 Oct 2020 Institutional agreement with ETH Zurich now for corresponding authors

As of 1 November 2020 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the ETH Zurich and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

14 Oct 2020 Volunteer to be an EGUsphere preprint moderator!

EGU is seeking scientists who want to gain experience in the realm of scientific publishing to pre-screen manuscripts submitted to the Union's new online platform.

14 Oct 2020 Volunteer to be an EGUsphere preprint moderator!

EGU is seeking scientists who want to gain experience in the realm of scientific publishing to pre-screen manuscripts submitted to the Union's new online platform.

30 Jun 2020 Update of journal metrics

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.

30 Jun 2020 Update of journal metrics

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.

29 May 2020 Institutional agreement between Gothenburg University Library and Copernicus Publications

Gothenburg University Library and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors.

29 May 2020 Institutional agreement between Gothenburg University Library and Copernicus Publications

Gothenburg University Library and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors.

14 Feb 2020 Press release: The Antarctica Factor: model uncertainties reveal upcoming sea-level risk

Sea-level rise due to ice loss in Antarctica could become a major risk for coastal protection even in the near term, scientists say. Within this century already, due to Antarctica alone, global sea level might rise up to three times as much as it did in the last century. This is a finding of an exceptionally comprehensive comparison of state-of-the-art computer models from around the world.

14 Feb 2020 Press release: The Antarctica Factor: model uncertainties reveal upcoming sea-level risk

Sea-level rise due to ice loss in Antarctica could become a major risk for coastal protection even in the near term, scientists say. Within this century already, due to Antarctica alone, global sea level might rise up to three times as much as it did in the last century. This is a finding of an exceptionally comprehensive comparison of state-of-the-art computer models from around the world.

18 Dec 2019 The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Copernicus Publications agree on a central billing of article processing charges

The Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) will now provide a publication fund for their corresponding authors publishing in Copernicus' open-access journals.

18 Dec 2019 The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Copernicus Publications agree on a central billing of article processing charges

The Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) will now provide a publication fund for their corresponding authors publishing in Copernicus' open-access journals.

02 Sep 2019 Helmholtz institutional agreement now for corresponding authors

As of 1 September 2019 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the Helmholtz Association and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

02 Sep 2019 Helmholtz institutional agreement now for corresponding authors

As of 1 September 2019 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the Helmholtz Association and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

24 Jun 2019 Update of journal metrics

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.

24 Jun 2019 Update of journal metrics

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.

29 May 2019 Publish your video abstract

A video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience.

29 May 2019 Publish your video abstract

A video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience.

16 Jan 2019 SUB Göttingen and Copernicus Publications introduced the National Consortium for Central Payment Processing of Article Processing Charges on 1 January 2019

14 scientific institutions have joined the national opt-in consortium for the central payment processing of APCs for articles of all journals published by Copernicus Publications.

16 Jan 2019 SUB Göttingen and Copernicus Publications introduced the National Consortium for Central Payment Processing of Article Processing Charges on 1 January 2019

14 scientific institutions have joined the national opt-in consortium for the central payment processing of APCs for articles of all journals published by Copernicus Publications.

16 Jan 2019 Institutional Agreement between Iowa State University Library and Copernicus Publications

Iowa State University Library and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors.

16 Jan 2019 Institutional Agreement between Iowa State University Library and Copernicus Publications

Iowa State University Library and Copernicus Publications have signed an agreement on the central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors.

28 Nov 2018 Copernicus Publications signs institutional agreement with Helsinki University Library

To facilitate the publication procedure for authors from Helsinki University, Copernicus Publications and Helsinki University Library have signed an agreement on a central billing of article processing charges (APCs).

28 Nov 2018 Copernicus Publications signs institutional agreement with Helsinki University Library

To facilitate the publication procedure for authors from Helsinki University, Copernicus Publications and Helsinki University Library have signed an agreement on a central billing of article processing charges (APCs).

28 Nov 2018 Full-text html workflow comes along with mobile-optimized journal websites

Copernicus Publications recently launched its full-text HTML workflow and optimized the ESD website for mobile devices. Thereby, the user experience is significantly enhanced when reading ESD articles.

28 Nov 2018 Full-text html workflow comes along with mobile-optimized journal websites

Copernicus Publications recently launched its full-text HTML workflow and optimized the ESD website for mobile devices. Thereby, the user experience is significantly enhanced when reading ESD articles.

05 Nov 2018 Copernicus Publications signed Enabling FAIR Data Commitment Statement in the Earth, Space,and Environmental Sciences and updated data policy and author guidelines

Data underpinning any research finding should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) – not only for humans, but also for machines. Therefore, Copernicus Publications requests that such data are available upon publication of an article.

05 Nov 2018 Copernicus Publications signed Enabling FAIR Data Commitment Statement in the Earth, Space,and Environmental Sciences and updated data policy and author guidelines

Data underpinning any research finding should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) – not only for humans, but also for machines. Therefore, Copernicus Publications requests that such data are available upon publication of an article.

30 Aug 2018 Press Release: Deadline for climate action – Act strongly before 2035 to keep warming below 2°C

If governments don't act decisively by 2035 to fight climate change, humanity could cross a point of no return after which limiting global warming below 2°C in 2100 will be unlikely, according to a new study by scientists in the UK and the Netherlands. The research also shows the deadline to limit warming to 1.5°C has already passed, unless radical climate action is taken. The study is published today in ESD.

30 Aug 2018 Press Release: Deadline for climate action – Act strongly before 2035 to keep warming below 2°C

If governments don't act decisively by 2035 to fight climate change, humanity could cross a point of no return after which limiting global warming below 2°C in 2100 will be unlikely, according to a new study by scientists in the UK and the Netherlands. The research also shows the deadline to limit warming to 1.5°C has already passed, unless radical climate action is taken. The study is published today in ESD.

27 Jun 2018 New Journal Impact Factors released

The latest Journal Citation Reports® have been published by Clarivate Analytics.

27 Jun 2018 New Journal Impact Factors released

The latest Journal Citation Reports® have been published by Clarivate Analytics.

03 May 2018 Extended agreement with the Leibniz Association

As of 1 May 2018 the centralized payment of article processing charges (APCs) with the Leibniz Association has been extended to 53 Leibniz Institutions participating in the Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund.

03 May 2018 Extended agreement with the Leibniz Association

As of 1 May 2018 the centralized payment of article processing charges (APCs) with the Leibniz Association has been extended to 53 Leibniz Institutions participating in the Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund.

27 Apr 2018 ESD launches new manuscript type ESD Ideas

ESD Ideas – the EGU journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD) is launching a new article format for highly innovative scientific ideas. The format invites the publication of exciting and well-founded scientific ideas without a comprehensive analysis of all of its aspects.

27 Apr 2018 ESD launches new manuscript type ESD Ideas

ESD Ideas – the EGU journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD) is launching a new article format for highly innovative scientific ideas. The format invites the publication of exciting and well-founded scientific ideas without a comprehensive analysis of all of its aspects.

05 Dec 2017 New article processing charges for ESD

From 1 January 2018 Earth System Dynamics (ESD) will slightly increase the article processing charges.

05 Dec 2017 New article processing charges for ESD

From 1 January 2018 Earth System Dynamics (ESD) will slightly increase the article processing charges.

24 Aug 2017 New institutional agreement between the PIK and Copernicus Publications

Authors from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) will profit from a new institutional agreement with Copernicus Publications starting 23 August 2017. The agreement which is valid for the first author enables a direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the PIK and the publisher.

24 Aug 2017 New institutional agreement between the PIK and Copernicus Publications

Authors from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) will profit from a new institutional agreement with Copernicus Publications starting 23 August 2017. The agreement which is valid for the first author enables a direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the PIK and the publisher.

18 Jul 2017 Press Release: Removing CO2 from the air required to safeguard children's future

Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions is not enough to limit global warming to a level that wouldn't risk young people's future, according to a new study by a team of scientists who say we need negative emissions.

18 Jul 2017 Press Release: Removing CO2 from the air required to safeguard children's future

Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions is not enough to limit global warming to a level that wouldn't risk young people's future, according to a new study by a team of scientists who say we need negative emissions.

04 Jul 2017 Update of publication policy

The updated publication policy now is extended by the journal's open access statement, its archiving and indexing scheme, and explicit policies on corrections and retractions.

04 Jul 2017 Update of publication policy

The updated publication policy now is extended by the journal's open access statement, its archiving and indexing scheme, and explicit policies on corrections and retractions.

29 Jun 2017 Revision of editors', referees', and authors' obligations

The general obligations for editors, referees, and authors have been revised to give advice for the appropriate handling of literature suggestions.

29 Jun 2017 Revision of editors', referees', and authors' obligations

The general obligations for editors, referees, and authors have been revised to give advice for the appropriate handling of literature suggestions.

15 Jun 2017 New Journal Impact Factors released

Clarivate Analytics has published the latest Journal Citation Reports®.

15 Jun 2017 New Journal Impact Factors released

Clarivate Analytics has published the latest Journal Citation Reports®.

06 Jun 2017 New licence & copyright agreement

From 6 June onwards, all newly submitted articles, if accepted for publication, will be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

06 Jun 2017 New licence & copyright agreement

From 6 June onwards, all newly submitted articles, if accepted for publication, will be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

06 Jun 2017 New display and citation guidelines for DOIs

To make it as easy as possible for users without technical knowledge to cut and paste or click to share DOIs, CrossRef has changed the display and citation guidelines for DOIs from "doi:10.5194/abcd" to "".

06 Jun 2017 New display and citation guidelines for DOIs

To make it as easy as possible for users without technical knowledge to cut and paste or click to share DOIs, CrossRef has changed the display and citation guidelines for DOIs from "doi:10.5194/abcd" to "".

19 May 2017 International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN) now includable in article assets

Since early 2016, Copernicus Publications has been enabling authors to connect their articles with underlying or related material such as research data, model code, or scientific videos. To enhance reproducibility it is now also possible to include International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSNs) as assets.

19 May 2017 International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN) now includable in article assets

Since early 2016, Copernicus Publications has been enabling authors to connect their articles with underlying or related material such as research data, model code, or scientific videos. To enhance reproducibility it is now also possible to include International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSNs) as assets.

18 May 2017 Press Release: Flat Antarctica – Land height could help explain why Antarctica is warming slower than the Arctic

Temperatures in the Arctic are increasing twice as fast as in the rest of the globe, while the Antarctic is warming at a much slower rate. A new study published in ESD shows that land height could be a "game changer" when it comes to explaining why temperatures are rising at such different rates in the two regions.

18 May 2017 Press Release: Flat Antarctica – Land height could help explain why Antarctica is warming slower than the Arctic

Temperatures in the Arctic are increasing twice as fast as in the rest of the globe, while the Antarctic is warming at a much slower rate. A new study published in ESD shows that land height could be a "game changer" when it comes to explaining why temperatures are rising at such different rates in the two regions.

16 May 2017 EGU journals: celebrations and growth

In 2016, the 17 EGU–Copernicus peer-reviewed open-access journals experienced significant growth. We published over 3300 final-revised papers, corresponding to some 53,500 pages, a growth of about 10% compared to the previous year. These papers were downloaded over 645,000 times.

16 May 2017 EGU journals: celebrations and growth

In 2016, the 17 EGU–Copernicus peer-reviewed open-access journals experienced significant growth. We published over 3300 final-revised papers, corresponding to some 53,500 pages, a growth of about 10% compared to the previous year. These papers were downloaded over 645,000 times.

03 Mar 2017 Anders Levermann complements the chief editorial board of ESD

Anders Levermann from PIK has joined Earth System Dynamics as an additional chief editor. Please read ESD's welcome message.

03 Mar 2017 Anders Levermann complements the chief editorial board of ESD

Anders Levermann from PIK has joined Earth System Dynamics as an additional chief editor. Please read ESD's welcome message.

13 Feb 2017 A case of editorial malpractice detected

Recently we have become aware of a case of scientific malpractice by an editor of two of our journals (SOIL and SE) who used the position as editor and reviewer to disproportionately promote citations to personal papers and associated journals. Please read the published editorial.

13 Feb 2017 A case of editorial malpractice detected

Recently we have become aware of a case of scientific malpractice by an editor of two of our journals (SOIL and SE) who used the position as editor and reviewer to disproportionately promote citations to personal papers and associated journals. Please read the published editorial.

27 Dec 2016 New institutional agreement between the TU Darmstadt and Copernicus Publications

Authors from the Technical University Darmstadt will profit from a new institutional agreement with Copernicus Publications starting 1 January 2017. The agreement which is valid for corresponding authors enables a direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the university and the publisher.

27 Dec 2016 New institutional agreement between the TU Darmstadt and Copernicus Publications

Authors from the Technical University Darmstadt will profit from a new institutional agreement with Copernicus Publications starting 1 January 2017. The agreement which is valid for corresponding authors enables a direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the university and the publisher.

23 Dec 2016 Max Planck institutional agreement now for corresponding authors

As of 1 January 2017 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the Max Planck Digital Library and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

23 Dec 2016 Max Planck institutional agreement now for corresponding authors

As of 1 January 2017 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the Max Planck Digital Library and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

22 Nov 2016 New article processing charges for ESD

From 1 January 2017 Earth System Dynamics (ESD) will increase the article processing charges.

22 Nov 2016 New article processing charges for ESD

From 1 January 2017 Earth System Dynamics (ESD) will increase the article processing charges.

08 Sep 2016 Geographical distribution of views now available in journal ALMs

Copernicus Publications has extended the article level metrics (ALMs) by showing the geographical distribution of views. This information is available for articles published after 3 August 2016.

08 Sep 2016 Geographical distribution of views now available in journal ALMs

Copernicus Publications has extended the article level metrics (ALMs) by showing the geographical distribution of views. This information is available for articles published after 3 August 2016.

01 Sep 2016 Institutional agreement for ESD authors affiliated with the Leibniz Association

Copernicus Publications and the Leibniz Association have agreed on a central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors. So far three Leibniz institutes are participating in this agreement.

01 Sep 2016 Institutional agreement for ESD authors affiliated with the Leibniz Association

Copernicus Publications and the Leibniz Association have agreed on a central billing of article processing charges (APCs) to facilitate the publication procedure for authors. So far three Leibniz institutes are participating in this agreement.

21 Apr 2016 Press release: 1.5°C vs 2°C global warming – new study shows why half a degree matters

European researchers have found substantially different climate change impacts for a global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C by 2100, the two temperature limits included in the Paris climate agreement.

21 Apr 2016 Press release: 1.5°C vs 2°C global warming – new study shows why half a degree matters

European researchers have found substantially different climate change impacts for a global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C by 2100, the two temperature limits included in the Paris climate agreement.

15 Mar 2016 Introduction of post-discussion editor decision

Earth System Dynamics has introduced the post-discussion editor decision into the review process. With this extra step, the authors are given clear instructions on how to revise their paper.

15 Mar 2016 Introduction of post-discussion editor decision

Earth System Dynamics has introduced the post-discussion editor decision into the review process. With this extra step, the authors are given clear instructions on how to revise their paper.

11 Jan 2016 Institutional agreement for ESD authors affiliated with the Leibniz Universität Hannover

Copernicus Publications and the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) in Hanover, Germany have signed an agreement on central billing of article processing charges.

11 Jan 2016 Institutional agreement for ESD authors affiliated with the Leibniz Universität Hannover

Copernicus Publications and the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) in Hanover, Germany have signed an agreement on central billing of article processing charges.

15 Dec 2015 ESD introduces reduced article processing charges

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) introduces reduced article processing charges (APCs) to be paid by the authors (or their institution) for any manuscripts submitted from 1 January 2016.

15 Dec 2015 ESD introduces reduced article processing charges

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) introduces reduced article processing charges (APCs) to be paid by the authors (or their institution) for any manuscripts submitted from 1 January 2016.

10 Dec 2015 Workflow of ESD reorganized

We have summarized the upcoming changes to ESD by the end of the year.

10 Dec 2015 Workflow of ESD reorganized

We have summarized the upcoming changes to ESD by the end of the year.

29 Oct 2015 Citable video publications for ESD authors

In cooperation with the TIB|AV-Portal ESD authors can now add short, citable video abstracts and video supplements to their articles.

29 Oct 2015 Citable video publications for ESD authors

In cooperation with the TIB|AV-Portal ESD authors can now add short, citable video abstracts and video supplements to their articles.

29 Sep 2015 New library and payment concept

From January 2016 onwards, ESD will see changes to the way papers are archived and paid for.

29 Sep 2015 New library and payment concept

From January 2016 onwards, ESD will see changes to the way papers are archived and paid for.

29 Jun 2015 Update data policy

We have updated our data policy: it now also refers to the Data Citation Principles and stresses the necessity of data availability.

29 Jun 2015 Update data policy

We have updated our data policy: it now also refers to the Data Citation Principles and stresses the necessity of data availability.

25 Jun 2015 ESD awarded DOAJ Seal

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has received the new DOAJ Seal which recognizes journals with an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice.

25 Jun 2015 ESD awarded DOAJ Seal

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has received the new DOAJ Seal which recognizes journals with an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice.

19 Jun 2015 New Journal Impact Factors released

Thomson Reuters has published the latest Journal Citation Reports®. We are delighted to announce that the Impact Factor for Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has risen in 2014. Congratulations!

19 Jun 2015 New Journal Impact Factors released

Thomson Reuters has published the latest Journal Citation Reports®. We are delighted to announce that the Impact Factor for Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has risen in 2014. Congratulations!

22 May 2015 ESD now member of COPE

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has become a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and thereby subscribes to the principles of COPE.

22 May 2015 ESD now member of COPE

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has become a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and thereby subscribes to the principles of COPE.

10 Mar 2015 Website relaunch

The ESD website has been given a new look, and the navigation has been adjusted. Further details:

10 Mar 2015 Website relaunch

The ESD website has been given a new look, and the navigation has been adjusted. Further details:

20 Dec 2014 APCs in ESD waived for 2015

To further the growth of ESD in 2015, the European Geosciences Union has decided to waive the article processing charges again.

20 Dec 2014 APCs in ESD waived for 2015

To further the growth of ESD in 2015, the European Geosciences Union has decided to waive the article processing charges again.

13 Nov 2014 ESD provides full-text XML

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has started an XML-first workflow and will provide all new articles in full-text XML from now on.

13 Nov 2014 ESD provides full-text XML

Earth System Dynamics (ESD) has started an XML-first workflow and will provide all new articles in full-text XML from now on.

17 Dec 2013 ESD indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded

Thomson Reuters has announced that they will include Earth System Dynamics (ESD) in their Web of Science/ISI listings.

17 Dec 2013 ESD indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded

Thomson Reuters has announced that they will include Earth System Dynamics (ESD) in their Web of Science/ISI listings.

29 Oct 2013 Article level metrics available

Article level metrics (ALMs) comprise a set of easy-to-understand real-time impact indicators that track how an article is read, discussed, or cited.

29 Oct 2013 Article level metrics available

Article level metrics (ALMs) comprise a set of easy-to-understand real-time impact indicators that track how an article is read, discussed, or cited.

01 Oct 2013 Transparent post-discussion review

ESD has introduced transparent post-discussion review.

01 Oct 2013 Transparent post-discussion review

ESD has introduced transparent post-discussion review.

13 Aug 2013 Publication ethics

ESD has implemented publication ethics in order to guarantee high scientific and ethical standards.

13 Aug 2013 Publication ethics

ESD has implemented publication ethics in order to guarantee high scientific and ethical standards.

04 Jun 2013 New data policy

ESD has just published its new data policy.

04 Jun 2013 New data policy

ESD has just published its new data policy.

04 Jul 2010 EGU position statement on discussion papers

The European Geosciences Union has published a position statement to clarify the definition and standing of discussion papers published in the interactive open access journals.

04 Jul 2010 EGU position statement on discussion papers

The European Geosciences Union has published a position statement to clarify the definition and standing of discussion papers published in the interactive open access journals.

About open access