Journal subject areas
The journal subject areas are defined by the following index terms below. These terms represent the keywords to be chosen for assignment of submitted manuscripts to individual editors.
- Antroposphere
- Atmosphere
- Biogeochemical processes
- Biosphere and ecosystems
- Climate change
- Climate dynamics and variability
- Clouds, aerosols and radiation
- Cryosphere
- Earth system
- Forecasting and predictability
- Geoengineering
- Hydrology
- Land surface and soils
- Oceans
- Natural Hazards and extreme events
- Renewable energy
- Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography
- Sustainability science
- Wildfires
- Other topics
- Biosphere/atmosphere interactions
- Cryosphere/atmosphere interactions
- Cryosphere/ocean interactions
- Human/Earth system interactions
- Land/atmosphere interactions
- Ocean/atmosphere interactions
- Other interactions
- Earth system and climate modeling
- Idealized models
- In-situ observations
- Machine learning
- Mathematical geosciences and physical models
- Model and data diagnostics
- Remote sensing
- Other methods